Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two: Review

Tycho: We are from a detective agency. It will be difficult for me to explain what we are doing. My partner will say better about this.Gabe: Well, I beat people. No, not for the sake of pleasure. I do it professionally, you understand.

Penny Arcade does not differ in political correctness, both in the format of comics and in "Games". But even to mats through the word and other nonsense does not fall. For what? Those for whom the game made will see any of the modern megacities in the caricature of the new Arcadia, quite a bit distorted by a crooked mirror. And the rest will pass, laugh at a couple of jokes and forget.

Comics PA Dedicated exclusively by games, and the first part – on the rain -slick precipis of Darkness – followed their example, very little distracted by the surrounding world. True, episodes came across. An employee of the social service who needs to feed a bunch of tramps, for example. That in conditions of lack of finance it is suitable for this purpose better than part of the bodies of their less successful relatives? What is the humanity and censorship here. And the sequel suddenly filled with a sense of anti -utopia almost to the edges. Deep immersion in the resulting universe guarantees a lot of unpleasant emotions expressed in the question: "What is happening here at all?!".

The scene is the same, but the changes are hard to not notice. Of the familiar places, there was only a small piece of desperation Street, where the main character’s house and the residence of our main assistant used to stand. Now you are waiting for a psychiatric clinic, a park in the prestigious part of the city and the congress of the future of humanity. "Humanity has no future, so what is the meaning in this event?", – Anonymous commentator is asking the hero throughout the game.

A mysterious assistant broadcasting right in your head is far from the strangest thing that is here. The characters you will meet on the way are the most ordinary people. Would be the most ordinary if the creators Penny Arcade did not turn everyone into grotesque. You hate a secretary sitting at some reception and reveling in their own omnipotence? Here you have to hate them twice as much. Afraid of evil doctors? Wait for a meeting with your nightmare. But the evil genius, who created all these crazy juicers, was not so evil at all. There are many words about key characters, but not all of them will be acceptable in a decent society. If only because they again destroyed your home. And, of course, quite by accident. Everyone is very sorry.

The movement forward by the plot this time consists not only of endless fights. The failure tasks-quest tasks were somewhat increased, and Brain Game, which is necessary in the middle of the plot, will delight everyone with a funny concept. It would even be worth it to release an independent arcade. In turn, the battles became a little more diverse due to the fact that each enemy has clearly expressed vulnerabilities and protection. Blocking some new attacks is much more difficult than before, due to the implicit moment of their. As for personal features – sometimes it really plays a key role. Especially annoyed by subjects that are immune to Team-UP attacks and at the same time with health of about 3000. Overkill has become more important, with a lot of these bonuses the hero turns into a death machine.

Assistants borrowed in the first part of the classic JRPG did not disappear and also properly exterminate your enemies. In any case, this applies to the niece of the Brage, who now shells everyone on the field (except you) as much as 1,500 damage from a funny device. The third assistant is also not bad, although it is inferior to his neighbor. But the second is something incomprehensible, unnecessary and optional. For the plot, this creature is not at all important, and it causes harm to you – psychological – than the enemy. I will not reveal the secret, you will most likely find it and evaluate it yourself.

As for the enemies themselves, you are waiting for a lot of surprises. Mima or tramps were a fairly expected move, but what will be here makes you think. And at the same time feel yourself once again "The order of the forest", riding the world from such garbage.

The main feature of the quest part PAA – A huge amount of garbage accumulating in the inventory by the end of the game. Some of it will come in handy, but most of it could be safely thrown away. This does not decrease interest from tasks, but leaves a feeling of some kind of untidiness. Very harmonizing with the outside world. The second important feature is the lack of a motivating plot. Well, what is this task for the quest: "Find yourself a house"? No "Save the world" or something else is just as elevated.

The script here really does not matter. Black-black humor is much more important, not marked by the seal of toilet stupidity. Rather, classic English. So he could joke a hereditary butler about the death of his master. Without gong at the time of the next "Gaga" or laughter recorded in the right places. With self -esteem. But without evading the subject. So there will be Rich Motherfucker Street, and psychos wearing their brain in a bottle on their hands. Ahead of the third part in which we have to open a mysterious lock with the key received for one of the local quests. And in the second episode, finally, use for Monkey Card was found. It won’t be boring.

About the appearance PAA Episode 2 Nothing was said intentionally. Just changes, compared to the first part, were not found. New locations, a dozen models, several short comic inserts – that’s all. But the volume is still miserable 300 MB, accessible to almost everyone. And this is not a demo, but a full version that only needs to be activated by the key purchased on the site. For this, you can forgive not the most advanced appearance. Not all the same to turn on the hard disk of monsters 5-10 gigabytes.

The game is gaining momentum. The first part left a feeling of emptiness – too little space, too little events, nothing is clear. All this is gradually correcting, and besides "The connection of the times" It works perfectly: you can import a character from the first series, they try to express history very coherently for us. Sorry, weapons have to "pump" Reveal. The maximum improved rifle is very good quietly quietly.

Pros: Excellent humor, complete absence of bugs, a sense of integrity.
Cons: As usual, too short.More here

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