Perhaps a very rare project met a player with such a demotivating impudence as she did Dark Souls. Already in the first minutes spent in the gloomy lordran, one thing became clear: here it would be necessary to die. Die often and hopeless. The game was demonstratively inhospitable to the user – no hints and instructions hinting at the method of passing and destroying to the indecent “thick” monsters.
However, dubious rumors went around the second part, claiming that the sequel would be an ordinary mass craft, deprived of its original charm.
May hardcore be with you
Fortunately, the presentation of the project organized by the company “1C-SoftKlab”, I dispelled our fears. Probably the best way to demonstrate the level of complexity Dark Souls II -This is to fail a show, suddenly died of a monster’s blow, which the producer did a great job Namco Bandai. In the five minutes that he managed to hold the gamepad until the death of his character, he had to flee three times from decrepit skeletons and die from two kicks of some stone golem.
The performance was not too heroic and virtuoso. The message of this action was obvious: Dark Souls II, as before, for a minute he will not allow you to feel like an inquisitor of evil spirits and will constantly undermine a barely arising sense of self -confidence. In order to make sure of this, we touched the game personally.
Be cursed!
We get an unenviable, but noble role of a damned warrior. The sufferer crawls only one thing: to get rid of his curse. All of his throwing boils down to the search for a medicine for a bad disease. Unfortunately, these searches have to be implemented in a world inhabited by motley evil spirits, monsters and dragons.
We start the game with a completely naked character – without class and clothes. Having performed a short walk, our Anonymus meets three ladies wise with life in red robes, giving the opportunity to “cast” the hero. It is allowed to change any detail: at least draw tattoos, at least increase the thickness of the eyebrows. In stock of about eight classes, each of which is distinguished not only by its own parameters, but also by a set of initial items. For example, the warrior we selected inherited a shield and a sword.
After a impressive and not foreshadowing anything an extraordinary blame Dark Souls II takes up your favorite business – shocking. It would seem that the story has just begun, it would be nice to throw several small goblins for “swing”. However, the developers, as if responding to all reproaches for “providing”, put our hero in front of a huge pussy of the troll, in two blows sending us to the knockout.
“How to make legs for” dummies “
Having learned your place, on the second attempt you quietly run past the huge monster and meet ordinary enemies. When it comes to a fight with them, you quickly realize that the combat system also has no easier. Each enemy blow significantly reduces a strip of health. We have to act from defense: look closely at the beginning of the animation of the attack and respond to it with a block or rolling.
However, these methods do not always help-villains still somehow manage to hook the hero. Some attack in large groups, in others, the radius of the attack almost exceeds the level of level, others prefer support in the form of archers who have settled nearby. “Little trains” restore health quite slowly, so often you have to suspend the process of waving his fists and get to flight.
Thus, branded hardcore in Dark Souls II Saved. The only thing the second part is really simpler than the original is the interface and management. Inventory began to look more pleasant – next to the list of objects is the figure of our character, which allows you to observe visual changes in his appearance when changing clothes, “without leaving the box office”. There are no comments to the management – the layout is now intuitive. So, the jump is finally carried out by pressing a separate key.
Dark and sincere
In general, the sensations from gameplay in comparison with the original almost did not change. The locations have become more extensive, many optional places have appeared. Visually new levels are slightly more diverse: dark caves alternate with bright sunny glades and forests. The project is also developed for consoles, so expect from Dark Souls II There are no special graphic delights. Nevertheless, the fresh engine updated the external side of the game, which now looks better than the first part. At the same time, there was no reduction in the frequency of personnel.
We were told about several innovations in the multiplayer. Updates will affect both the cooperative regime and PVP Batalia. For example, the color of the aura around the hero will reflect the player’s skill, the system of setting the glasses of “humanity” will become more complicated. The developers also promised to introduce a regional selection of games, which should solve the problem with delays.
Deficiency of difficulties in passing Dark Souls II you will not have. She is also hardcore, demanding and uncompromisingly, like the past “dark souls”. You will die over and over, curse the authors, break gamepads, but get the most real pleasure.